Source code for artifacts.scripts.validator

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Console script to validate artifact definitions."""

import argparse
import glob
import heapq
import logging
import os
import sys

from artifacts import definitions
from artifacts import errors
from artifacts import reader
from artifacts import registry

[docs] class ArtifactDefinitionsValidator(object): """Artifact definitions validator.""" LEGACY_PATH = os.path.join('artifacts', 'data', 'legacy.yaml') _MACOS_PRIVATE_SUB_PATHS = ('etc', 'tftpboot', 'tmp', 'var') _SUPPORTED_POSIX_USERS_VARIABLES = [ '%%users.homedir%%'] _SUPPORTED_WINDOWS_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES = [ '%%environ_allusersappdata%%', '%%environ_allusersprofile%%', '%%environ_programdata%%', '%%environ_programfiles%%', '%%environ_programfilesx86%%', '%%environ_systemdrive%%', '%%environ_systemroot%%', '%%environ_windir%%'] _SUPPORTED_WINDOWS_USERS_VARIABLES = [ '%%users.appdata%%', '%%users.localappdata%%', '%%users.sid%%', '%%users.temp%%', '%%users.username%%', '%%users.userprofile%%']
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initializes an artifact definitions validator.""" super(ArtifactDefinitionsValidator, self).__init__() self._artifact_registry = registry.ArtifactDefinitionsRegistry() self._artifact_registry_key_paths = set()
def _CheckGlobstarInPathSegment( self, filename, artifact_definition, path, path_segment): """Checks if a globstar in a path segment is valid. Args: filename (str): name of the artifacts definition file. artifact_definition (ArtifactDefinition): artifact definition. path (str): path of which the path segment originated. path_segment (str): path segment to validate. Returns: bool: True if the globstar is valid. """ if not path_segment.startswith('**'): logging.warning(( f'Unuspported globstar with prefix: {path_segment:s} for path: ' f'{path:s} defined by artifact definition: ' f'{} in file: {filename:s}')) return False if len(path_segment) > 2: try: recursion_depth = int(path_segment[2:], 10) except (TypeError, ValueError): logging.warning(( f'Unuspported globstar with suffix: {path_segment:s} for path: ' f'{path:s} defined by artifact definition: ' f'{} in file: {filename:s}')) return False if recursion_depth <= 0 or recursion_depth > 10: logging.warning(( f'Globstar with unsupported recursion depth: {path_segment:s} for ' f'path: {path:s} defined by artifact definition: ' f'{} in file: {filename:s}')) return False return True def _CheckMacOSPaths(self, filename, artifact_definition, paths): """Checks if the paths are valid MacOS paths. Args: filename (str): name of the artifacts definition file. artifact_definition (ArtifactDefinition): artifact definition. paths (list[str]): paths to validate. Returns: bool: True if the MacOS paths is valid. """ result = True paths_with_private = [] paths_with_symbolic_link_to_private = [] for path in paths: path_lower = path.lower() path_segments = path_lower.split('/') if not path_segments: logging.warning(( f'Empty path defined by artifact definition: ' f'{} in file: {filename:s}')) result = False elif len(path_segments) == 1: continue elif path_segments[1] in self._MACOS_PRIVATE_SUB_PATHS: paths_with_symbolic_link_to_private.append(path) elif path_segments[1] == 'private' and len(path_segments) >= 2: if path_segments[2] in self._MACOS_PRIVATE_SUB_PATHS: paths_with_private.append(path) else: logging.warning(( f'Unsupported private path: {path:s} defined by artifact ' f'definition: {} in file: ' f'{filename:s}')) result = False has_globstar = False for path_segment in path_segments: if '**' in path_segment: if has_globstar: logging.warning(( f'Unsupported path: {path:s} with multiple globstars defined ' f'by artifact definition: {} in ' f'file: {filename:s}')) result = False break has_globstar = True if not self._CheckGlobstarInPathSegment( filename, artifact_definition, path, path_segment): result = False if has_globstar and path.endswith('/'): logging.warning(( f'Unsupported path: {path:s} with globstar and trailing path ' f'separator defined by artifact definition: ' f'{} in file: {filename:s}')) result = False for private_path in paths_with_private: symbolic_link = private_path[8:] if symbolic_link not in paths_with_symbolic_link_to_private: logging.warning(( f'Missing symbolic link: {symbolic_link:s} for path: ' f'{private_path:s} defined by artifact definition: ' f'{} in file: {filename:s}')) result = False for path in paths_with_symbolic_link_to_private: private_path = f'/private{path:s}' if private_path not in paths_with_private: logging.warning(( f'Missing path: {private_path:s} for symbolic link: {path:s} ' f'defined by artifact definition: {} in ' f'file: {filename:s}')) result = False return result def _CheckPath(self, filename, artifact_definition, source, path): """Checks if a path is valid. Args: filename (str): name of the artifacts definition file. artifact_definition (ArtifactDefinition): artifact definition. source (SourceType): source definition. path (str): path to validate. Returns: bool: True if the path is valid. """ result = True path_segments = path.split(source.separator) has_globstar = False for path_segment in path_segments: if '**' in path_segment: if has_globstar: logging.warning(( f'Unsupported path: {path:s} with multiple globstars defined by ' f'artifact definition: {} in file: ' f'{filename:s}')) result = False break has_globstar = True if not self._CheckGlobstarInPathSegment( filename, artifact_definition, path, path_segment): result = False if has_globstar and path.endswith(source.separator): logging.warning(( f'Unsupported path: {path:s} with globstar and trailing path ' f'separator defined by artifact definition: ' f'{} in file: {filename:s}')) result = False return result def _CheckWindowsPath(self, filename, artifact_definition, source, path): """Checks if a path is a valid Windows path. Args: filename (str): name of the artifacts definition file. artifact_definition (ArtifactDefinition): artifact definition. source (SourceType): source definition. path (str): path to validate. Returns: bool: True if the Windows path is valid. """ result = True number_of_forward_slashes = path.count('/') number_of_backslashes = path.count('\\') if (number_of_forward_slashes < number_of_backslashes and source.separator != '\\'): logging.warning(( f'Incorrect path separator: {source.separator:s} in path: {path:s} ' f'defined by artifact definition: {} in ' f'file: {filename:s}')) result = False if source.separator != '\\': return result path_lower = path.lower() path_segments = path_lower.split(source.separator) if not path_segments: logging.warning(( f'Empty path defined by artifact definition: ' f'{} in file: {filename:s}')) result = False elif path_segments[0].startswith('%%users.') and path_segments[0] not in ( '%%users.appdata%%', '%%users.homedir%%', '%%users.localappdata%%', '%%users.temp%%', '%%users.username%%', '%%users.userprofile%%'): logging.warning(( f'Unsupported "{path_segments[0]:s}" in path: {path:s} defined by ' f'artifact definition: {} in file: ' f'{filename:s}')) result = False elif path_segments[0] == '%%users.homedir%%': logging.warning(( f'Replace "%%users.homedir%%" by "%%users.userprofile%%" in path: ' f'{path:s} defined by artifact definition: ' f'{} in file: {filename:s}')) result = False elif path_lower.startswith('%%users.userprofile%%\\appdata\\local\\'): logging.warning(( f'Replace "%%users.userprofile%%\\AppData\\Local" by ' f'"%%users.localappdata%%" in path: {path:s} defined by artifact ' f'definition: {} in file: {filename:s}')) result = False elif path_lower.startswith('%%users.userprofile%%\\appdata\\roaming\\'): logging.warning(( f'Replace "%%users.userprofile%%\\AppData\\Roaming" by ' f'"%%users.appdata%%" in path: {path:s} defined by artifact ' f'definition: {} in file: {filename:s}')) result = False elif path_lower.startswith('%%users.userprofile%%\\application data\\'): logging.warning(( f'Replace "%%users.userprofile%%\\Application Data" by ' f'"%%users.appdata%%" in path: {path:s} defined by artifact ' f'definition: {} in file: {filename:s}')) result = False elif path_lower.startswith( '%%users.userprofile%%\\local settings\\application data\\'): logging.warning(( f'Replace "%%users.userprofile%%\\Local Settings\\Application Data" ' f'by "%%users.localappdata%%" in path: {path:s} defined by artifact ' f'definition: {} in file: {filename:s}')) result = False has_globstar = False for path_segment in path_segments: if path_segment.startswith('%%') and path_segment.endswith('%%'): if (path_segment.startswith('%%environ_') and path_segment not in self._SUPPORTED_WINDOWS_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES): result = False logging.warning(( f'Artifact definition: {} in file: ' f'{filename:s} contains Windows path that contains an ' f'unuspported environment variable: "{path_segment:s}".')) elif (path_segment.startswith('%%users.') and path_segment not in self._SUPPORTED_WINDOWS_USERS_VARIABLES): result = False logging.warning(( f'Artifact definition: {} in file: ' f'{filename:s} contains Windows path that contains an ' f'unsupported users variable: "{path_segment:s}". ')) elif '**' in path_segment: if has_globstar: logging.warning(( f'Unsupported path: {path:s} with multiple globstars defined by ' f'artifact definition: {} in file: ' f'{filename:s}')) result = False break has_globstar = True if not self._CheckGlobstarInPathSegment( filename, artifact_definition, path, path_segment): result = False if has_globstar and path.endswith(source.separator): logging.warning(( f'Unsupported path: {path:s} with globstar and trailing path ' f'separator defined by artifact definition: ' f'{} in file: {filename:s}')) result = False return result def _CheckWindowsRegistryKeyPath( self, filename, artifact_definition, key_path): """Checks if a path is a valid Windows Registry key path. Args: filename (str): name of the artifacts definition file. artifact_definition (ArtifactDefinition): artifact definition. key_path (str): Windows Registry key path to validate. Returns: bool: True if the Windows Registry key path is valid. """ result = True key_path_segments = key_path.lower().split('\\') if key_path_segments[0] == '%%current_control_set%%': result = False logging.warning(( f'Artifact definition: {} in file: ' f'{filename:s} contains Windows Registry key path that starts with ' f'%%CURRENT_CONTROL_SET%%. Replace %%CURRENT_CONTROL_SET%% with ' f'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet')) for segment_index, key_path_segment in enumerate(key_path_segments): if key_path_segment.startswith('%%') and key_path_segment.endswith('%%'): if (segment_index == 1 and key_path_segment == '%%users.sid%%' and key_path_segments[0] == 'hkey_users'): continue if key_path_segment.startswith('%%environ_'): result = False logging.warning(( f'Artifact definition: {} in file: ' f'{filename:s} contains Windows Registry key path that contains ' f'an environment variable: "{key_path_segment:s}". Usage of ' f'environment variables in key paths is not encouraged at this ' f'time.')) elif key_path_segment.startswith('%%users.'): result = False logging.warning(( f'Artifact definition: {} in file: ' f'{filename:s} contains Windows Registry key path that contains ' f'a users variable: "{key_path_segment:s}". Usage of users ' f'variables in key paths, except for ' f'"HKEY_USERS\\%%users.sid%%", is not encouraged at this time.')) return result def _HasDuplicateRegistryKeyPaths( self, filename, artifact_definition, source): """Checks if Registry key paths are not already defined by other artifacts. Note that at the moment this function will only find exact duplicate Registry key paths. Args: filename (str): name of the artifacts definition file. artifact_definition (ArtifactDefinition): artifact definition. source (SourceType): source definition. Returns: bool: True if the Registry key paths defined by the source type are used in other artifacts. """ result = False intersection = self._artifact_registry_key_paths.intersection( set(source.keys)) if intersection: duplicate_key_paths = '\n'.join(intersection) logging.warning(( f'Artifact definition: {} in file: ' f'{filename:s} has duplicate Registry key paths:\n' f'{duplicate_key_paths:s}')) result = True self._artifact_registry_key_paths.update(source.keys) return result
[docs] def CheckDirectory(self, path): """Validates the artifacts definition in a specific directory. Args: path (str): path of the directory containing the artifacts definition files. Returns: bool: True if the file contains valid artifacts definitions. """ for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.yaml')): result = self.CheckFile(filename) if not result: break return result
[docs] def CheckFile(self, filename): """Validates the artifacts definition in a specific file. Args: filename (str): name of the artifacts definition file. Returns: bool: True if the file contains valid artifacts definitions. """ result = True artifact_reader = reader.YamlArtifactsReader() sorted_names = [] try: for artifact_definition in artifact_reader.ReadFile(filename): try: self._artifact_registry.RegisterDefinition(artifact_definition) except KeyError: logging.warning(( f'Duplicate artifact definition: {} in ' f'file: {filename:s}')) result = False current_name_lower = heapq.heappush(sorted_names, ( current_name_lower, last_name_lower, last_name = sorted_names[-1] if last_name_lower != current_name_lower: logging.warning(( f'Artifact definition: {last_name:s} and ' f'{} in file: {filename:s} not ' f'in sort order')) artifact_definition_supports_macos = ( definitions.SUPPORTED_OS_DARWIN in ( artifact_definition.supported_os)) artifact_definition_supports_windows = ( definitions.SUPPORTED_OS_WINDOWS in ( artifact_definition.supported_os)) macos_paths = [] for source in artifact_definition.sources: if source.type_indicator == definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_DIRECTORY: logging.warning(( f'Use of deprecated source type: DIRECTORY in artifact ' f'definition: {} in file: ' f'{filename:s}')) if source.type_indicator in ( definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_DIRECTORY, definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_FILE, definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_PATH): if (definitions.SUPPORTED_OS_DARWIN in source.supported_os or ( artifact_definition_supports_macos and not source.supported_os)): if source.separator != '/': logging.warning(( f'Use of unsupported path segment separator in artifact ' f'definition: {} in file: ' f'{filename:s}')) macos_paths.extend(source.paths) elif (artifact_definition_supports_windows or definitions.SUPPORTED_OS_WINDOWS in source.supported_os): for path in source.paths: if not self._CheckWindowsPath( filename, artifact_definition, source, path): result = False else: for path in source.paths: if not self._CheckPath( filename, artifact_definition, source, path): result = False elif source.type_indicator == ( definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_WINDOWS_REGISTRY_KEY): # Exempt the legacy file from duplicate checking because it has # duplicates intentionally. if (filename != self.LEGACY_PATH and self._HasDuplicateRegistryKeyPaths( filename, artifact_definition, source)): result = False for key_path in source.keys: if not self._CheckWindowsRegistryKeyPath( filename, artifact_definition, key_path): result = False elif source.type_indicator == ( definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_WINDOWS_REGISTRY_VALUE): for key_value_pair in source.key_value_pairs: if not self._CheckWindowsRegistryKeyPath( filename, artifact_definition, key_value_pair['key']): result = False if macos_paths: if not self._CheckMacOSPaths( filename, artifact_definition, macos_paths): result = False except errors.FormatError as exception: logging.warning( f'Unable to validate file: {filename:s} with error: {exception!s}') result = False return result
[docs] def GetUndefinedArtifacts(self): """Retrieves the names of undefined artifacts used by artifact groups. Returns: set[str]: undefined artifacts names. """ return self._artifact_registry.GetUndefinedArtifacts()
[docs] def Main(): """Entry point of console script to collect statistics about definitions. Returns: int: exit code that is provided to sys.exit(). """ args_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Validates an artifact definitions file.') args_parser.add_argument( 'definitions', nargs='?', action='store', metavar='PATH', default=None, help=('path of the file or directory that contains the artifact ' 'definitions.')) options = args_parser.parse_args() if not options.definitions: print('Source value is missing.') print('') args_parser.print_help() print('') return 1 if not os.path.exists(options.definitions): print(f'No such file or directory: {options.definitions:s}') print('') return 1 validator = ArtifactDefinitionsValidator() if os.path.isdir(options.definitions): print(f'Validating definitions in: {options.definitions:s}/*.yaml') result = validator.CheckDirectory(options.definitions) elif os.path.isfile(options.definitions): print(f'Validating definitions in: {options.definitions:s}') result = validator.CheckFile(options.definitions) if not result: print('FAILURE') return 1 print('SUCCESS') return 0
if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(Main())