Source code for artifacts.reader

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The artifact reader objects."""

import abc
import glob
import io
import os
import json
import yaml

from artifacts import artifact
from artifacts import definitions
from artifacts import errors

[docs] class BaseArtifactsReader(object): """Artifacts reader interface. Attributes: supported_os (set[str]): supported operating systems. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initializes an artifacts reader.""" super(BaseArtifactsReader, self).__init__() self.supported_os = set()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def ReadArtifactDefinitionValues(self, artifact_definition_values): """Reads an artifact definition from a dictionary. Args: artifact_definition_values (dict[str, object]): artifact definition values. Returns: ArtifactDefinition: an artifact definition. Raises: FormatError: if the format of the artifact definition is not set or incorrect. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def ReadDirectory(self, path, extension=None): """Reads artifact definitions from a directory. This function does not recurse sub directories. Args: path (str): path of the directory to read from. extension (Optional[str]): extension of the filenames to read. Yields: ArtifactDefinition: an artifact definition. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def ReadFile(self, filename): """Reads artifact definitions from a file. Args: filename (str): name of the file to read from. Yields: ArtifactDefinition: an artifact definition. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def ReadFileObject(self, file_object): """Reads artifact definitions from a file-like object. Args: file_object (file): file-like object to read from. Yields: ArtifactDefinition: an artifact definition. Raises: FormatError: if the format of the artifact definition is not set or incorrect. """
[docs] class ArtifactsReader(BaseArtifactsReader): """Artifacts reader common functionality."""
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initializes an artifacts reader.""" super(ArtifactsReader, self).__init__() self.supported_os = set(definitions.SUPPORTED_OS)
# Pylint fails on detecting the type of definition_object based on # the docstring. # pylint: disable=missing-type-doc def _ReadSupportedOS(self, definition_values, definition_object, name): """Reads the optional artifact or source type supported OS. Args: definition_values (dict[str, object]): artifact definition values. definition_object (ArtifactDefinition|SourceType): the definition object. name (str): name of the artifact definition. Raises: FormatError: if there are undefined supported operating systems. """ supported_os = definition_values.get('supported_os', []) if not isinstance(supported_os, list): supported_os_type = type(supported_os) raise errors.FormatError( f'Invalid supported_os type: {supported_os_type!s}') undefined_supported_os = set(supported_os).difference(self.supported_os) if undefined_supported_os: undefined_supported_os = ', '.join(undefined_supported_os) raise errors.FormatError(( f'Artifact definition: {name:s} undefined supported operating ' f'system: {undefined_supported_os:s}.')) definition_object.supported_os = supported_os def _ReadSources(self, artifact_definition_values, artifact_definition, name): """Reads the artifact definition sources. Args: artifact_definition_values (dict[str, object]): artifact definition values. artifact_definition (ArtifactDefinition): an artifact definition. name (str): name of the artifact definition. Raises: FormatError: if the type indicator is not set or unsupported, or if required attributes are missing. """ sources = artifact_definition_values.get('sources') if not sources: raise errors.FormatError( f'Invalid artifact definition: {name:s} missing sources.') for source in sources: type_indicator = source.get('type', None) if not type_indicator: raise errors.FormatError( f'Invalid artifact definition: {name:s} source type.') attributes = source.get('attributes', None) try: source_type = artifact_definition.AppendSource( type_indicator, attributes) except errors.FormatError as exception: raise errors.FormatError( f'Invalid artifact definition: {name:s}, with error: {exception!s}') # TODO: deprecate these left overs from the collector definition. if source_type: if source.get('returned_types', None): raise errors.FormatError(( f'Invalid artifact definition: {name:s} returned_types no longer ' f'supported.')) self._ReadSupportedOS(source, source_type, name) if set(source_type.supported_os) - set( artifact_definition.supported_os): raise errors.FormatError(( f'Invalid artifact definition: {name:s} missing ' f'supported_os.'))
[docs] def ReadArtifactDefinitionValues(self, artifact_definition_values): """Reads an artifact definition from a dictionary. Args: artifact_definition_values (dict[str, object]): artifact definition values. Returns: ArtifactDefinition: an artifact definition. Raises: FormatError: if the format of the artifact definition is not set or incorrect. """ if not artifact_definition_values: raise errors.FormatError('Missing artifact definition values.') different_keys = ( set(artifact_definition_values) - definitions.TOP_LEVEL_KEYS) if different_keys: different_keys = ', '.join(different_keys) raise errors.FormatError(f'Undefined keys: {different_keys:s}') name = artifact_definition_values.get('name', None) if not name: raise errors.FormatError('Invalid artifact definition missing name.') # The description is assumed to be mandatory. description = artifact_definition_values.get('doc', None) if not description: raise errors.FormatError( f'Invalid artifact definition: {name:s} missing description.') aliases = artifact_definition_values.get('aliases', None) artifact_definition = artifact.ArtifactDefinition( name, aliases=aliases, description=description) if artifact_definition_values.get('collectors', []): raise errors.FormatError( f'Invalid artifact definition: {name:s} still uses collectors.') urls = artifact_definition_values.get('urls', []) if not isinstance(urls, list): raise errors.FormatError( f'Invalid artifact definition: {name:s} urls is not a list.') self._ReadSupportedOS(artifact_definition_values, artifact_definition, name) artifact_definition.urls = urls self._ReadSources(artifact_definition_values, artifact_definition, name) return artifact_definition
[docs] def ReadDirectory(self, path, extension='yaml'): """Reads artifact definitions from a directory. This function does not recurse sub directories. Args: path (str): path of the directory to read from. extension (Optional[str]): extension of the filenames to read. Yields: ArtifactDefinition: an artifact definition. """ if extension: glob_spec = os.path.join(path, f'*.{extension:s}') else: glob_spec = os.path.join(path, '*') for artifact_file in glob.glob(glob_spec): for artifact_definition in self.ReadFile(artifact_file): yield artifact_definition
[docs] def ReadFile(self, filename): """Reads artifact definitions from a file. Args: filename (str): name of the file to read from. Yields: ArtifactDefinition: an artifact definition. """ with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file_object: for artifact_definition in self.ReadFileObject(file_object): yield artifact_definition
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def ReadFileObject(self, file_object): """Reads artifact definitions from a file-like object. Args: file_object (file): file-like object to read from. Yields: ArtifactDefinition: an artifact definition. Raises: FormatError: if the format of the artifact definition is not set or incorrect. """
[docs] class JsonArtifactsReader(ArtifactsReader): """JSON artifacts reader."""
[docs] def ReadFileObject(self, file_object): """Reads artifact definitions from a file-like object. Args: file_object (file): file-like object to read from. Yields: ArtifactDefinition: an artifact definition. Raises: FormatError: if the format of the JSON artifact definition is not set or incorrect. """ # TODO: add try, except? json_definitions = json.loads( last_artifact_definition = None for json_definition in json_definitions: try: artifact_definition = self.ReadArtifactDefinitionValues(json_definition) except errors.FormatError as exception: error_location = 'At start' if last_artifact_definition: error_location = f'After: {}' raise errors.FormatError(f'{error_location:s} {exception!s}') yield artifact_definition last_artifact_definition = artifact_definition
[docs] class YamlArtifactsReader(ArtifactsReader): """YAML artifacts reader."""
[docs] def ReadFileObject(self, file_object): """Reads artifact definitions from a file-like object. Args: file_object (file): file-like object to read from. Yields: ArtifactDefinition: an artifact definition. Raises: FormatError: if the format of the YAML artifact definition is not set or incorrect. """ # TODO: add try, except? yaml_generator = yaml.safe_load_all(file_object) last_artifact_definition = None for yaml_definition in yaml_generator: try: artifact_definition = self.ReadArtifactDefinitionValues(yaml_definition) except errors.FormatError as exception: error_location = 'At start' if last_artifact_definition: error_location = f'After: {}' raise errors.FormatError(f'{error_location:s} {exception!s}') yield artifact_definition last_artifact_definition = artifact_definition